Our business philosophy is "CIS" (Commitment, Innovation & Sharing).
For clients, employees, stockholders and relations, integrity is our most basic and most important core value. More than, once we make a commitment, we devote ourselves completely to meeting that commitment.
To query historical revenue, please link to the public information observatory, enter the company code "6788" and the year/month you want to query.
To query historical important information, please link to the public information observatory, enter the company code "6788" and the year/month you want to query.
Report information
Receiving department : Department of Operations Management
Reporting hotline: +886-37-580708 ext. 1899
Reporting illegal persons is responsible. If the company and its subsidiaries have committed crimes, frauds, or violations of financial-related laws and regulations, or violations of the company’s integrity management rules, you can submit evidence through e-mail or dedicated phone to this Company report.
Shareholder Services
Investor Relations Contact Window
Phone: +886-37-580-708
E-mail: ir@brillian.com.tw
Stock Agency
Address: 11th Floor, No. 17, Xuchang Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City
Phone: +886-2-2361-1300
Website: https://www.fubon.com
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我們提供專業與客製化追蹤防護系統,如您想瞭解更多細節, 歡迎留下資料,華景將有專人回覆與您聯繫!