Fire Protection System
Brillian are committed to environmental safety, research and development of fire alarm monitoring and control system.
The CO2 system has no residual discharge and no shelf life. It is suitable for manufacturers to prevent Class B and C fires!
BR Loadport Solution
Loadport 系統整合最佳方案
Purge Unit for Loadport Solution
Laminar Flow Device EFEM
UTS(Under Track Storage)
The Kidde AEGIS™
We are committed to environmental safety, research and development of fire alarm monitoring and control system.
In the first time before the fire reaches the fire occurs or the control or prevention of spread of the fire system.Three elements of fire: combustibles, combustion aids, and temperature. However, as long as there is one of the three elements of fire formation, the fire can be controlled.Various fire insulation system is the main objective of combustible or comburent, and lowering the temperature.
Four categories of fire (American classification):
A).Ordinary -wood, paper.
B).Oils-petroleum, hydrocarbon alkyne, combustible oils and fats, etc.
C).Electrical-electrical equipment fire.
D).Metals-water-free substances, lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zirconium and titanium, and other metal substances
Feature of Product
Main fire protection system: water system, foam system, water mist system, CO2 system, inert gas, fluorine gas system...etc.
The Kidde AEGIS™ fire alarm monitoring and control system is a CO2 system.Its advantage is clean, it will not cause residual medicine in the protection zone when spraying, and the medicine has no problem of shelf life.
It should be noted that the sprayed chemicals are colorless and odorless. If there is no warning during spraying, it may cause suffocation due to lack of oxygen.
The storage device is a high-pressure steel cylinder, and it is necessary to prevent collisions so that the steel cylinder may fall and cause personal injury.
Type of fire extinguishing: reduce the oxygen content in the protective area to block the combustion aids and achieve the fire extinguishing effect
Applicable fire types: Type B (oil) and Type C (electrical) fires.
The Kidde AEGIS™
Fire Alarm Monitoring Control System of Three Parts
When a fire occurs, the detector receives a specific signal "heat source, light source, smoke" and transmits the signal back to the control panel. The control panel determines that a fire has occurred, sends a signal to activate the device (start valve) (machine shutdown), and signal transfer (notification) ERC or factory management system).
The detector is responsible for detecting specific information in the protection zone. When the reception (heat source, light source, smoke, etc.) reaches the detector setting standard, the signal is sent back to the main system (control panel).
After receiving the signal from the control panel that a fire has occurred, it is responsible for spraying chemicals to achieve the function of fire extinguishing. The start valve is activated to release the CO2 steel bottle agent and release it to the protective zone via the pipeline.
Product Specifications
• FLAME DETECTOR:Light, flame detector & ultraviolet/infrared detector.
• HEAT DETECTOR:Bimetallic differential/Metal film constant temperature detector/Linear detector.
• SMOKE DETECTOR:A photoelectric type smoke detectors and shielding/ Ion type smoke detectors /Laser photoelectric type.
• STORAGE DEVICE & ACTUATOR:High pressure steel cylinder &Start the solenoid valve.
Purge Unit for Loadport Solution 微污染防治最佳方案
改造Loadport,加裝N2/XCDA充氣模組系統 製程機台中,為了因應不同類型的機台及Loadport,我們提供改造加裝微污 染防治系統(Loadport Purge System)之方案,使晶圓在生產過程於載具 (FOUP) 中能保持良好的環境,避免化學污染物產生損壞晶圓,增加良率。
• 改造原有之300mm Loadport 盤面,加裝N2/XCDA充氣淨化功能
• 支持各類型FOUP,可根據不同載具設計Loadport盤面
• 系統獨立,本體安置於Loadport下方,不佔無塵室空間
• 斷電持續充氣功能,即使供電中斷依然能保持FOUP微環境在安全標準內
• 模組化設計,不影響Loadport維修
• 氣體顆粒過濾等級≥0.003um
• 支持EAP由CIM統一控管,整合AMHS自動化作業
• 具備RH/Temp傳感器、壓力開關、流量計,可顯示於GUI畫面並即時監控回傳至CIM/FDC
• 提供0~200 SLM穩定氣流,大幅降低FOUP內濕度及AMC污染,有效延長Q-Time
• 改造快速,並適用於各廠Loadport,例:TDK,Sinfonia,Brooks,Hirata......等
• 本產品通過SEMI S22認證
Laminar Flow Device
改造Loadport,加裝N2/XCDA風刀氣簾系統 晶圓在晶圓傳送盒(FOUP)門開啓後,於微環境內待轉入製程的過程中亦非常容易受到污染,因此當FOUP門開啓時,門前由風刀裝置產生均勻下吹氣簾,隔絕EFEM(Equipment Front End Module)氣流侵入FOUP內部,確保晶圓表面上之相對濕度處於可接受範圍內。
利用Brillian Purge Unit for Loadport迫淨方式,使FOUP門開啓時內部相對濕度達到約30%,再以風刀(Laminar Flow Device)產生一均勻氣簾,使晶圓前方位置相對濕度可達到15%以下,其餘位置 晶圓表面相對濕度亦可控制在10%以下,結合此兩種方式為最佳解決方案。
• 有效防止因EFEM狀況不佳(即5種情況)所產生的流場將濕氣及AMC帶入FOUP內部,維持FOUP 內相對濕度。
• 裝設容易,僅需將風刀架設於FOUP開口與EFEM交界處上方,填充XCDA/N2即可產生一道均勻氣 簾。
• 風刀產生之氣簾能有效隔絕EFEM流場濕氣及污染,同時結合Brillian Purge Unit for Loadport 系統,即可將FOUP內部濕氣及AMC帶出,達到最佳效果。
• 氣體顆粒過濾等級≥0.003um。
OHB N2 中文產品名稱
華景OHB N2
UTS(Under Track Storage) 中文產品名稱
華景UTS(Under Track Storage)
用於製程後段,安裝於自動化軌道側方,與OHB功能相同,專門為了去除水分與氧氣含量、延長Q-Time而設計的氮氣充氣產品,能搭配半導體AMHS自動化設備使用,亦能配置在離倉儲系統較遠的製程設備旁,能有效縮短FOUP傳送至設備Load Port 的時間。
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我們提供專業與客製化追蹤防護系統,如您想瞭解更多細節, 歡迎留下資料,華景將有專人回覆與您聯繫!